Tip #7 Pay for Professional Set-up … or Make Sure It’s Included!

One of the biggest mistakes I have seen companies here in Denver and the Front Range make in regards to copier purchases is they try and avoid paying a “set-up” fee.  “Bob in IT can set this up for us, so can we get a discount if he does it?”  First of all, Bob probably has projects killing him and doesn’t have time to set it up and secondly, he probably has never set one up before so he’ll struggle.

Paying a few hundred dollars to have the copier set up so it does just what you want makes complete sense.  Everyone will be more efficient when using the device and no one will have to suffer trying to set up a $7,000 copier which he has never set up before.

Also, try and remember, “Free Set up” actually means “included.”  Nothing is free, it’s just built in to the price of the copier.
